Online Platform
The platform’s target audience includes Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), their administration, faculty, students/graduates, and employers in the HTI sector, both within the consortium’s countries and beyond. It emphasizes transferability, intending to be an open resource of knowledge and a user-friendly platform. The development and publications will be shared openly, and stakeholders are encouraged to join.
The innovation lies in supporting online communication, cooperation, and learning within the hospitality and tourism industry (HTI) sector, creating strategic alliances with HEIs in the field. The platform’s functionalities include involving employers in online research and curriculum development, engaging employers in curriculum delivery, offering digital learning and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) activities, facilitating online research and product development, serving as an online social network, aiding industry placement programs, and assisting in recruitment, screening, and interviewing of candidates. The platform’s impact is expected to benefit the mentioned target groups and the HTI sector as a whole.

The deliverables produced in the context of this Project Result during the project are the following:
The Platform General Specification Document-GSD
The Platform Strategic Document-PSD